Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ashland Strawberry Faire!

     At the Ashland strawberry festival on June 8th Richmond Assembly got together and advertised Rainbow! We painted nails, lectured and informed over one hundred people about rainbow! We passed out flyers with upcoming events specially planned for people to come to! And if your reading this and have a daughter or niece you think would be interested, the upcoming events we have planned are Tuesday June 11 at 6pm till 7pm we are having a Self Esteem and Prospect party! (Prospect meaning girls we want to join us in Rainbow to take part in all our fun activities!). The next event on the list was Friday July 19, we are hosting a Pass The Torch event at Bryan Park from 6:30pm to 8:30pm to let me, pass the torch of leadership to our incoming Worthy Advisor, where we will have food, fun and games! The next event is our Annual Rainbow Retreat which is held August 3rd to 4th, where we camp in cabins, go swimming, make s' mores and more! (All food provided) please call (804) 422-6712 and leave a message for more information. A lot of people showed interest and we had a blast doing it! First it started slowly because of the rain, but thank goodness after a few hours the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon. We also had one special event happen; one father and son were so motivated by one of our rainbow girls, Athena, as she was trying so hard to get people to come to our tent and everyone around was ignoring her, except the father and the son, who came to our tent just to let Athena pant their nails! It was awesome!
This is the young boy who let the girls paint his nails! It was awesome!

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